Every winter when I work from the Nordstrom at Scottsdale’s Fashion Square, I get excited to see what’s new here and what people are buying. And this year people are…
All posts by: Rose Hayes
The Color Combo That Always Works! Plus 4 NEW style boards inspired by YOU!
The Color Combo That Always Works Next time you find yourself with nothing to wear, try a black & white combo! Hopefully you have a few great fitting black and…
I’ve been obsessed with these and think you will too!
I tried these Paige wide leg white jeans for a virtual appointment and knew I had to have them myself. I plan to wear them 24/7 ! The wide leg…
Whether you live in Madison or Miami, everyone looks forward to SPRING and refreshing your closet. Spring Breaks, showers, weddings, graduations and so many special occasions happen this time of…
SHOP with me at Nordstrom in Scottsdale! (part1)
Everyone loves to shop at Nordstrom but did you know they’re also a great employer to work for? For the last seven years I’ve been very fortunate to temporarily transfer…
How to LOOK GOOD everyday!
At age 57, trying to look semi-decent every day is no joke and getting harder by the day! Exercise, a healthy diet and following the golden rule all contribute to…
On-The-Go Easy Looks AND what to wear in February PLUS … VD gift ideas for your guy
Under this flaming red hair, I’m 96% gray and I’ve earned every single silver strand! Just a little about me, I have 4 beautiful children between the ages of 27…
off_white blazer (similar here) | off_white belt | r13 jeans I checked off a 2022 personal goal recently and am still smiling from ear to ear! Last Friday I had…
blue plaid shirt/dress | pink plaid shirt/dress | boots Are we having fun yet? I hope your 2022 is off to a good start! I’ve enjoyed some free time to…
HOW TO WEAR LEOPARD IN 2022 … and what’s on my radar now!
Its a NEW YEAR and I’m so thankful you’re here! I have loved writing this little blog highlighting the best of what to buy and my RoseKnows tested shopping tips!…